Adult web hosting

Adult web hosting is a popular market for adult sites. Recent reports disclosed that the internet adult industry makes billions of dollars yearly and is growing at a rapid rate. Internet adult industry is the most consistent profitable internet venture every year. United States National Research Council ( in a report in 2002 revealed that the online adult industry is expected to grow to a $5 - $7 billion business within the next 5 years.

Adult sites for commercial pornography web pages increases yearly by 1,800 percent compared to 5 years ago as disclosed by internet filtering company As of July, 2003 adult web hosting has reached over 260 million pages classified as pornography by N2H2.

E-commerce companies are usually under the command of few major companies. Not so with adult sites. Most adult industry participants are individuals who work at home. Small businesses are able to compete because most major companies won’t go into production of adult content in adult web hosting because it is considered a taboo. This gives individuals and small businesses opportunities to serve a large demand for adult sites in adult web hosting by themselves.

Adult sites in adult web hosting enjoy popularity because USA Today ( revealed that nearly one-third of all internet users visit the adult sites. In August 2003 alone an estimated 34 million users visited adult sites in adult web hosting in the United States, approximately one in every four internet users. The measurement firm disclosed that an average internet user looks at 121 pages of porn, goes back six times and spends an average of one hour and seven minutes every month to look at adult-related content.

Adult web hosting use sophisticated business models to effectively manage the heavy demand for adult sites’ online properties and materials. The popularity of adult websites allows adult web hosting to enjoy brisk business. In an IDC study it was found out that most adult web hosting customers earn a 301 percent ROI rate using the adult web hosting service rather building bandwidth and connectivity capacity in-house.

Most adult sites outsource their adult web hosting rather than maintaining these services themselves. Adult web hosting companies save them from making a huge capital outlay of equipment and labor needed for the adult web hosting. These adult sites often choose adult web hosting services that offer reliability, scalability and accessibility. Adult web hosting service also helps adult sites to concentrate their efforts on gaining new market channels. Downtime in adult sites results in 88 percent drop of business. That is why they prefer the uptime guarantee of adult web hosting services.
Adult sites are able to focus on developing their business, gain technical support and save costs because of adult web hosting companies.

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