Some web hosting providers have cobranded web hosting service by allowing other domains names to offer free web hosting using their web hosting services and software.
Among the most popular cobranded web hosting services are OCatch, Community Architect, Portland and Wigloo/Megagiga. Other cobranded web hosting services that ceased operation for the last years include: Muttle, Excelland and Homestead.
0Catch or ZeroCatch Partners is a cobranded web hosting service that do not offer hardware or tech support for their users. 0Catch Partners earn by charging 50% of banner ads in member pages and 25% of the entire paid upgrade subscriptions after 10 paid signups. Partners are given banner-free web space to host the domain name. All pages are made automatically but you can customize them. You can email all users, edit and delete user accounts. 0Catch also features statistics for banner totals, user signups and bandwidth usage. To become a partner of 0Catch you need to pay $14.95 per month. Domains are allowed to change the MX record for email. Some 0catch partners offer free email services via another third-party company.
OCatch partners free web hosting offers 100 MB space for Domain or Subdomain, forced Banner-Top or Popup, upload using FTP or browser, statistics, file sizes limit 1MB, bandwidth 600 MB per month, password-protected files and scripts.
Community Architect is another cobranded web hosting service that offers partnership for free. If you are a cobranded web hosting partner of Community Architect you receive 50% of the banner space and additional revenue if members choose one of the three member upgrade options. For those who want to avail of premiere partnership, a $49.95 per month is charged. You can have 100% ownership of the banner space or remove the banners including the Community Architect logos.
Free web hosting in Community Architect partners has 12 MB space for Subdomain, Forced banner, upload via browser, ISML scripting, file size limit of 256 KB, bandwidth 512 MB/month and scripts, email forwarding and other email services.
Portland cobranded web hosting service offers 15 MB space, upload thru FTP, scripts, bandwidth of 100 MB/moth, file size 2 MB, web-based email, POP3 or forwarding, statistics and MP3.
Wigloo/Megagiga cobranded web hosting has free hosting and cobranded hosting under their subdomain. Signup is not working anymore.
Cobranded web hosting users will need to rely on at least two services to continue their free service. Which could be a disadvantage should one service quit such as in the case of Excelland. When Excelland folded a few years back, a number of co hosts were forced to close their business too.
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